
03 July 2011

Deaths after chiropractic neck manipulations -- The facts

I was asked recently of the benefits of neck manipulations. These manipulations are performed not only by chiropractors, but also by some physiotherapists and doctors practising 'musculoskeletal medicine'. My answer is simple: please don't.

We are now living in an age of evidence-based medicine which, put simply, is evidence based on medical research. It refers invariably to 'evidence' published in peer-reviewed medical journals.

A systematic review of case reports published in the International Journal of Clinical Practice in July 2010 stated:
"In conclusion, numerous deaths have been associated with chiropractic neck manipulations. There are reasons to suspect that under-reporting is substantial and reliable incidence figures do not exist. The risks of chiropractic neck manipulations by far outweigh their benefits. Healthcare professionals should advise the public accordingly." (Bold italics mine)

Those contemplating receiving neck manipulations as a modality of treatment for whatever physical complaints please beware.


  1. With the great technology today. The errors can be avoided immediately because of deep research regarding this cases.
    Chiropractor Melbourne

  2. Dear Cielle,
    Thanks for your comment. That's what we all hope.
